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2022-03-09 1826 21
#include "string.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "usb_video.h"

/* Definition of Descriptors */
/* USB Device Descriptor */
static unsigned char devDesc[] =
    0x12, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_DEVICE, /* 1 bdescriptorType - Device*/
    0x00, /* 2 bcdUSB version */
    0x02, /* 3 bcdUSB version */
    0xEF, /* 4 bDeviceClass - USB Miscellaneous Class */
    0x02, /* 5 bDeviceSubClass - Common Class */
    0x01, /* 6 bDeviceProtocol - Interface Association Descriptor */
    0x40, /* 7 bMaxPacketSize for EP0 - max = 64*/
    (VENDOR_ID & 0xFF), /* 8 idVendor */
    (VENDOR_ID >> 8), /* 9 idVendor */
    (PRODUCT_ID & 0xFF), /* 10 idProduct */
    (PRODUCT_ID >> 8), /* 11 idProduct */
    (BCD_DEVICE & 0xFF), /* 12 bcdDevice */
    (BCD_DEVICE >> 8), /* 13 bcdDevice */
    0x01, /* 14 iManufacturer - index of string*/
    0x02, /* 15 iProduct - index of string*/
    0x00, /* 16 iSerialNumber - index of string*/
    0x01 /* 17 bNumConfigurations */

/* USB Configuration Descriptor */
static unsigned char cfgDesc[] = {
    0x09, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CONFIGURATION, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Configuration*/
    0xAE,00, /* 2 wTotalLength */
    0x02, /* 4 bNumInterfaces */
    0x01, /* 5 bConfigurationValue */
    0x03, /* 6 iConfiguration - index of string */
    0x80, /* 7 bmAttributes - Bus powered */
    0xFA, /* 8 bMaxPower (in 2mA units) - 500mA */

    /* Interface Association Descriptor */
    0x08, /* 8 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Interface Association */
    0x00, /* 2 bFirstInterface - VideoControl i/f */
    0x02, /* 3 bInterfaceCount - 2 Interfaces */
    USB_CLASS_VIDEO, /* 4 bFunctionClass - Video Class */
    USB_VIDEO_INTERFACE_COLLECTION, /* 5 bFunctionSubClass - Video Interface Collection */
    0x00, /* 6 bFunctionProtocol - No protocol */
    0x02, /* 7 iFunction - index of string */
    /* Video Control (VC) Interface Descriptor */
    0x09, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Interface */
    0x00, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber - Interface 0 */
    0x00, /* 3 bAlternateSetting */
    0x01, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */
    USB_CLASS_VIDEO, /* 5 bInterfaceClass - Video Class */
    USB_VIDEO_CONTROL, /* 6 bInterfaceSubClass - VideoControl Interface */
    0x00, /* 7 bInterfaceProtocol - No protocol */
    0x02, /* 8 iInterface - Index of string (same as iFunction of IAD) */
    /* Class-specific VC Interface Header Descriptor */
    0x0D, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    USB_VC_HEADER, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType - HEADER */
    0x10, 0x01, /* 3 bcdUVC - Video class revision 1.1 */
    0x28, 0x00, /* 5 wTotalLength - till output terminal */
    WORD_CHARS(100000000), /* 7 dwClockFrequency - 100MHz (Deprecated) */
    0x01, /* 11 bInCollection - One Streaming Interface */
    0x01, /* 12 baInterfaceNr - Number of the Streaming interface */
    /* Input Terminal (Camera) Descriptor - Represents the CCD sensor (Simulated here in this demo) */
    0x12, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    USB_VC_INPUT_TERMINAL, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType - INPUT TERMINAL */
    0x01, /* 3 bTerminalID */
    0x01, 0x02, /* 4 wTerminalType - ITT_CAMERA type (CCD Sensor) */
    0x00, /* 6 bAssocTerminal - No association */
    0x00, /* 7 iTerminal - Unused */
    0x00, 0x00, /* 8 wObjectiveFocalLengthMin - No optical zoom supported */
    0x00, 0x00, /* 10 wObjectiveFocalLengthMax - No optical zoom supported*/
    0x00, 0x00, /* 12 wOcularFocalLength - No optical zoom supported */
    0x03, /* 14 bControlSize - 3 bytes */
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 15 bmControls - No controls are supported */

    /* Output Terminal Descriptor */
    0x09, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    USB_VC_OUPUT_TERMINAL, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType - OUTPUT TERMINAL */
    0x02, /* 3 bTerminalID */
    0x01, 0x01, /* 4 wTerminalType - TT_STREAMING type */
    0x00, /* 6 bAssocTerminal - No association */
    0x01, /* 7 bSourceID - Source is Input terminal 1 */
    0x00, /* 8 iTerminal - Unused */
    /* Standard Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor */
    0x07, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_ENDPOINT, /* 1 bDescriptorType */
    (VIDEO_STATUS_EP_NUM | 0x80), /* 2 bEndpointAddress - IN endpoint*/
    0x03, /* 3 bmAttributes - Interrupt transfer */
    0x40, 0x00, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize - 64 bytes */
    0x09, /* 6 bInterval - 2^(9-1) microframes = 32ms */
    /* Class-specific Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor */
    0x05, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_ENDPOINT, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Endpoint */
    0x03, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType - Interrupt Endpoint */
    0x40, 0x00, /* 3 wMaxTransferSize - 64 bytes */
    /* Video Streaming Interface Descriptor */
    /* Zero-bandwidth Alternate Setting 0 */
    0x09, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Interface */
    0x01, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber - Interface 1 */
    0x00, /* 3 bAlternateSetting - 0 */
    0x00, /* 4 bNumEndpoints - No bandwidth used */
    USB_CLASS_VIDEO, /* 5 bInterfaceClass - Video Class */
    USB_VIDEO_STREAMING, /* 6 bInterfaceSubClass - VideoStreaming Interface */
    0x00, /* 7 bInterfaceProtocol - No protocol */
    0x00, /* 8 iInterface - Unused */
    /* Class-specific VS Interface Input Header Descriptor */
    0x0E, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    USB_VS_INPUT_HEADER, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType - INPUT HEADER */
    0x01, /* 3 bNumFormats - One format supported */
    0x47, 0x00, /* 4 wTotalLength - Size of class-specific VS descriptors */
    (VIDEO_DATA_EP_NUM | 0x80), /* 6 bEndpointAddress - Iso EP for video streaming */
    0x00, /* 7 bmInfo - No dynamic format change */
    0x02, /* 8 bTerminalLink - Denotes the Output Terminal */
    0x01, /* 9 bStillCaptureMethod - Method 1 supported */
    0x00, /* 10 bTriggerSupport - No Hardware Trigger */
    0x00, /* 11 bTriggerUsage */
    0x01, /* 12 bControlSize - 1 byte */
    0x00, /* 13 bmaControls - No Controls supported */
    /* Class-specific VS Format Descriptor */
    0x1B, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    0x01, /* 3 bFormatIndex */
    0x01, /* 4 bNumFrameDescriptors - 1 Frame descriptor followed */
    0x00,0x38,0x9B,0x71, /* 5 guidFormat - YUY2 Video format */
    BITS_PER_PIXEL, /* 21 bBitsPerPixel - 16 bits */
    0x01, /* 22 bDefaultFrameIndex */
    0x00, /* 23 bAspectRatioX */
    0x00, /* 24 bAspectRatioY */
    0x00, /* 25 bmInterlaceFlags - No interlaced mode */
    0x00, /* 26 bCopyProtect - No restrictions on duplication */
    /* Class-specific VS Frame Descriptor */
    0x1E, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Class-specific Interface */
    USB_VS_FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED, /* 2 bDescriptorSubType */
    0x01, /* 3 bFrameIndex */
    0x01, /* 4 bmCapabilities - Still image capture method 1 */
    SHORT_CHARS(WIDTH), /* 5 wWidth - 480 pixels */
    SHORT_CHARS(HEIGHT), /* 7 wHeight - 320 pixels */
    WORD_CHARS(MIN_BIT_RATE), /* 9 dwMinBitRate */
    WORD_CHARS(MAX_BIT_RATE), /* 13 dwMaxBitRate */
    WORD_CHARS(MAX_FRAME_SIZE), /* 17 dwMaxVideoFrameBufSize */
    WORD_CHARS(FRAME_INTERVAL), /* 21 dwDefaultFrameInterval (in 100ns units) */
    0x01, /* 25 bFrameIntervalType */
    WORD_CHARS(FRAME_INTERVAL), /* 26 dwFrameInterval (in 100ns units) */

    /* Video Streaming Interface Descriptor */
    /* Alternate Setting 1 */
    0x09, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_INTERFACE, /* 1 bDescriptorType - Interface */
    0x01, /* 2 bInterfaceNumber - Interface 1 */
    0x01, /* 3 bAlternateSetting - 1 */
    0x01, /* 4 bNumEndpoints */
    USB_CLASS_VIDEO, /* 5 bInterfaceClass - Video Class */
    USB_VIDEO_STREAMING, /* 6 bInterfaceSubClass - VideoStreaming Interface */
    0x00, /* 7 bInterfaceProtocol - No protocol */
    0x00, /* 8 iInterface - Unused */
    /* Standard VS Isochronous Video Data Endpoint Descriptor */
    0x07, /* 0 bLength */
    USB_DESCTYPE_ENDPOINT, /* 1 bDescriptorType */
    (VIDEO_DATA_EP_NUM | 0x80), /* 2 bEndpointAddress - IN Endpoint */
    0x05, /* 3 bmAttributes - Isochronous EP (Asynchronous) */
    0x00, 0x04, /* 4 wMaxPacketSize 1x 1024 bytes*/
    0x01, /* 6 bInterval */

    /* String table - unsafe as accessed via shared memory */
        static char* unsafe stringDescriptors[] =
        "\x09\x04", /* Language ID string (US English) */
        "XMOS", /* iManufacturer */
        "XMOS USB Video Device",/* iProduct */
        "Config", /* iConfiguration string */

/* Endpoint 0 handles both std USB requests and Video class-specific requests */
void Endpoint0(chanend chan_ep0_out, chanend chan_ep0_in)
    USB_SetupPacket_t sp;
    unsigned bmRequestType;
    XUD_BusSpeed_t usbBusSpeed;
    XUD_ep ep0_out = XUD_InitEp(chan_ep0_out, XUD_EPTYPE_CTL | XUD_STATUS_ENABLE);
    XUD_ep ep0_in = XUD_InitEp(chan_ep0_in, XUD_EPTYPE_CTL | XUD_STATUS_ENABLE);
    while (1)
        /* Returns XUD_RES_OKAY on success */
        XUD_Result_t result = USB_GetSetupPacket(ep0_out, ep0_in, sp);
        if (result == XUD_RES_OKAY)
            /* Set result to ERR, we expect it to get set to OKAY if a request is handled */
            result = XUD_RES_ERR;
            /* Stick bmRequest type back together for an easier parse... */
            bmRequestType = (sp.bmRequestType.Direction << 7) |
                (sp.bmRequestType.Type << 5) |
            if ((bmRequestType == USB_BMREQ_H2D_STANDARD_DEV) &&
                (sp.bRequest == USB_SET_ADDRESS))
                // Host has set device address, value contained in sp.wValue
            switch (bmRequestType)
                /* Direction: Device-to-host and Host-to-device
                Copyright 2016 XMOS Ltd. 30 www.xmos.com
                XM007149AN00127 (2.0.2)
                * Type: Class
                * Recipient: Interface / Endpoint
            case USB_BMREQ_H2D_CLASS_INT:
            case USB_BMREQ_D2H_CLASS_INT:
            case USB_BMREQ_H2D_CLASS_EP:
            case USB_BMREQ_D2H_CLASS_EP:
                /* Inspect for VideoControl Class interface number or
                * VideoStreaming Class interface number or EP number;
                * If an Entity is addressed, the High byte has to be checked
                * for Entity ID */
                if (sp.wIndex == 0 || sp.wIndex == 1 || sp.wIndex == (VIDEO_DATA_EP_NUM | 0x80))
                    /* Returns XUD_RES_OKAY if handled,
                    * XUD_RES_ERR if not handled,
                    * XUD_RES_RST for bus reset */
                    result = UVC_InterfaceClassRequests(ep0_out, ep0_in, sp);
        } /* if ends */
        /* If we haven't handled the request about then do standard enumeration requests */
        if (result == XUD_RES_ERR)
            /* Returns XUD_RES_OKAY if handled okay,
            * XUD_RES_ERR if request was not handled (STALLed),
            * XUD_RES_RST for USB Reset */
            result = USB_StandardRequests(ep0_out, ep0_in, devDesc,
            sizeof(devDesc), cfgDesc, sizeof(cfgDesc),
            null, 0, null, 0, stringDescriptors, sizeof(stringDescriptors) / sizeof(stringDescriptors
            sp, usbBusSpeed);
        } /
            *USB bus reset detected, reset EPand get new bus speed* /
                if (result == XUD_RES_RST)
                    usbBusSpeed = XUD_ResetEndpoint(ep0_out, ep0_in);
} /
*Buffer to hold Video data in YUYV format * /
unsigned int gVideoBuffer[3][PAYLOAD_SIZE / 4];
/* Function to handle all endpoints of the Video class excluding control endpoint0 */
void VideoEndpointsHandler(chanend c_epint_in, chanend c_episo_in)
    XUD_Result_t result;
    int frame = 0x0C;
    int pts, tmrValue = 0;
    timer presentationTimer;
    int sofCounts = 0, frameCounts = 0;
    unsigned int index = 0;
    unsigned int i_index = 0;
    int split = (MAX_FRAME_SIZE / 6);
    int i_split = (MAX_FRAME_SIZE / 6);
    /* Initialize all endpoints */
    XUD_ep epint_in = XUD_InitEp(c_epint_in, XUD_EPTYPE_INT);
    XUD_ep episo_in = XUD_InitEp(c_episo_in, XUD_EPTYPE_ISO);
    /* Just to keep compiler happy */
    epint_in = epint_in;
    /* XUD will NAK if the endpoint is not ready to communicate with XUD */
    /* Fill video buffers with different color data */
    for (int i = 0; i < (PAYLOAD_SIZE / 4); i++) {
        /* Set RED color */
        gVideoBuffer[0][i] = 0x7010D010;
        Copyright 2016 XMOS Ltd. 31 www.xmos.com
            /* Set GREEN color */
            gVideoBuffer[2][i] = 0x00000000;
        /* Set BLUE color */
        gVideoBuffer[1][i] = 0xDC206020;
    while (1)
        int expectedPixels = MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
    presentationTimer: > pts;
        /* Fill the buffers with payload header */
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            /* Make the Payload header */
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned char[])[0] = PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH;
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned char[])[1] = frame;
            /* Set dwPresentationTime */
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned short[])[1] = pts;
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned short[])[2] = pts >> 16;
            /* Set scrSourceClock */
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned short[])[3] = pts;
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned short[])[4] = pts >> 16;
            (gVideoBuffer[i], unsigned short[])[5] = (sofCounts >> 3) & 2047;
        /    *Just to simulate the motion in the video frames * /
            i_split = (i_split - ((WIDTH) * 8));
        if (i_split <= 0) {
            i_split = MAX_FRAME_SIZE / 6;
            i_index = (i_index + 1) % 3;
    presentationTimer: > tmrValue;
        /* Let the frames scroll */
        index = i_index;
        split = i_split;
        /* Transmits single frame */
        while (expectedPixels > 0)
            if (expectedPixels < (PAYLOAD_SIZE - PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH)) {
                /* Payload transfer */
                result = XUD_SetBuffer(episo_in, (gVideoBuffer[index], unsigned char[]), expectedPixels +
                    , !PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH);
            else {
                /* Payload transfer */
                result = XUD_SetBuffer(episo_in, (gVideoBuffer[index], unsigned char[]), 1024);
            } /
                *Note down the SOF counts * /
            expectedPixels -= ((PAYLOAD_SIZE)-PAYLOAD_HEADER_LENGTH);
            if (expectedPixels <= (MAX_FRAME_SIZE - split)) {
                index = (index + 1) % 3;
                split += (MAX_FRAME_SIZE / 6);
        frame = frame ^ 1; /* Toggle FID bit */
HID人机交互QQ群:564808376    UAC音频QQ群:218581009    UVC相机QQ群:331552032    BOT&UASP大容量存储QQ群:258159197    STC-USB单片机QQ群:315457461    USB技术交流QQ群2:580684376    USB技术交流QQ群:952873936   

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#include "string.h"#include "usb.h"#include "usb_video.h"/* Definition of Descriptors *//* USB Device Descriptor */......

