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Sensors Page (0x20)

2022-05-21 226 0
Usage ID Usage Name Usage Types Section
0 Undefined
1 Sensor [12] CA/CP 21.1
02-0F Reserved
10 Biometric [12] CA/CP 21.1
11 Biometric: Human Presence [12] CA/CP 21.1
12 Biometric: Human Proximity [12] CA/CP 21.1
13 Biometric: Human Touch [12] CA/CP 21.1
14 Biometric: Blood Pressure [30] CA/CP 21.1
15 Biometric: Body Temperature [30] CA/CP 21.1
16 Biometric: Heart Rate [30] CA/CP 21.1
17 Biometric: Heart Rate Variability [30] CA/CP 21.1
18 Biometric: Peripheral Oxygen Saturation [30] CA/CP 21.1
19 Biometric: Respiratory Rate [30] CA/CP 21.1
1A-1F Reserved
20 Electrical [12] CA/CP 21.1
21 Electrical: Capacitance [12] CA/CP 21.1
22 Electrical: Current [12] CA/CP 21.1
23 Electrical: Power [12] CA/CP 21.1
24 Electrical: Inductance [12] CA/CP 21.1
25 Electrical: Resistance [12] CA/CP 21.1
26 Electrical: Voltage [12] CA/CP 21.1
27 Electrical: Potentiometer [12] CA/CP 21.1
28 Electrical: Frequency [12] CA/CP 21.1
29 Electrical: Period [12] CA/CP 21.1
2A-2F Reserved
30 Environmental [12] CA/CP 21.1
31 Environmental: Atmospheric Pressure [12] CA/CP 21.1
32 Environmental: Humidity [12] CA/CP 21.1
33 Environmental: Temperature [12] CA/CP 21.1
34 Environmental: Wind Direction [12] CA/CP 21.1
35 Environmental: Wind Speed [12] CA/CP 21.1
36 Environmental: Air Quality [30] CA/CP 21.1
37 Environmental: Heat Index [30] CA/CP 21.1
38 Environmental: Surface Temperature [30] CA/CP 21.1
39 Environmental: Volatile Organic Compounds [30] CA/CP 21.1
3A Environmental: Object Presence [50] CA/CP 21.1
3B Environmental: Object Proximity [50] CA/CP 21.1
3C-3F Reserved
40 Light [12] CA/CP 21.1
41 Light: Ambient Light [12] CA/CP 21.1
42 Light: Consumer Infrared [12] CA/CP 21.1
43 Light: Infrared Light [30] CA/CP 21.1
44 Light: Visible Light [30] CA/CP 21.1
45 Light: Ultraviolet Light [30] CA/CP 21.1
46-4F Reserved
50 Location [12] CA/CP 21.1
51 Location: Broadcast [12] CA/CP 21.1
52 Location: Dead Reckoning [12] CA/CP 21.1
53 Location: GPS (Global Positioning System) [12] CA/CP 21.1
54 Location: Lookup [12] CA/CP 21.1
55 Location: Other [12] CA/CP 21.1
56 Location: Static [12] CA/CP 21.1
57 Location: Triangulation [12] CA/CP 21.1
58-5F Reserved
60 Mechanical [12] CA/CP 21.1
61 Mechanical: Boolean Switch [12] CA/CP 21.1
62 Mechanical: Boolean Switch Array [12] CA/CP 21.1
63 Mechanical: Multivalue Switch [12] CA/CP 21.1
64 Mechanical: Force [12] CA/CP 21.1
65 Mechanical: Pressure [12] CA/CP 21.1
66 Mechanical: Strain [12] CA/CP 21.1
67 Mechanical: Weight [12] CA/CP 21.1
68 Mechanical: Haptic Vibrator [12] CA/CP 21.1
69 Mechanical: Hall Effect Switch [12] CA/CP 21.1
6A-6F Reserved
70 Motion [12] CA/CP 21.1
71 Motion: Accelerometer 1D [12] CA/CP 21.1
72 Motion: Accelerometer 2D [12] CA/CP 21.1
73 Motion: Accelerometer 3D [12] CA/CP 21.1
74 Motion: Gyrometer 1D [12] CA/CP 21.1
75 Motion: Gyrometer 2D [12] CA/CP 21.1
76 Motion: Gyrometer 3D [12] CA/CP 21.1
77 Motion: Motion Detector [12] CA/CP 21.1
78 Motion: Speedometer [12] CA/CP 21.1
79 Motion: Accelerometer [12] CA/CP 21.1
7A Motion: Gyrometer [12] CA/CP 21.1
7B Motion: Gravity Vector [30] CA/CP 21.1
7C Motion: Linear Accelerometer [30] CA/CP 21.1
7D-7F Reserved
80 Orientation [12] CA/CP 21.1
81 Orientation: Compass 1D [12] CA/CP 21.1
82 Orientation: Compass 2D [12] CA/CP 21.1
83 Orientation: Compass 3D [12] CA/CP 21.1
84 Orientation: Inclinometer 1D [12] CA/CP 21.1
85 Orientation: Inclinometer 2D [12] CA/CP 21.1
86 Orientation: Inclinometer 3D [12] CA/CP 21.1
87 Orientation: Distance 1D [12] CA/CP 21.1
88 Orientation: Distance 2D [12] CA/CP 21.1
89 Orientation: Distance 3D [12] CA/CP 21.1
8A Orientation: Device Orientation [12] CA/CP 21.1
8B Orientation: Compass [12] CA/CP 21.1
8C Orientation: Inclinometer [12] CA/CP 21.1
8D Orientation: Distance [12] CA/CP 21.1
8E Orientation: Relative Orientation [30] CA/CP 21.1
8F Orientation: Simple Orientation [30] CA/CP 21.1
90 Scanner [12] CA/CP 21.1
91 Scanner: Barcode [12] CA/CP 21.1
92 Scanner: RFID [12] CA/CP 21.1
93 Scanner: NFC [12] CA/CP 21.1
94-9F Reserved
A0 Time [12] CA/CP 21.1
A1 Time: Alarm Timer [12] CA/CP 21.1
A2 Time: Real Time Clock [12] CA/CP 21.1
A3-AF Reserved
B0 Personal Activity [30] CA/CP 21.1
B1 Personal Activity: Activity Detection [30] CA/CP 21.1
B2 Personal Activity: Device Position [30] CA/CP 21.1
B3 Personal Activity: Pedometer [30] CA/CP 21.1
B4 Personal Activity: Step Detection [30] CA/CP 21.1
B5-BF Reserved
C0 Orientation Extended [30] CA/CP 21.1
C1 Orientation Extended: Geomagnetic Orientation [30] CA/CP 21.1
C2 Orientation Extended: Magnetometer [30] CA/CP 21.1
C3-CF Reserved
D0 Gesture [60] CA/CP 21.1
D1 Gesture: Chassis Flip Gesture [60] CA/CP 21.1
D2 Gesture: Hinge Fold Gesture [60] CA/CP 21.1
D3-DF Reserved
E0 Other [12] CA/CP 21.1
E1 Other: Custom [12] CA/CP 21.1
E2 Other: Generic [12] CA/CP 21.1
E3 Other: Generic Enumerator [12] CA/CP 21.1
E4 Other: Hinge Angle [59] CA/CP 21.1
E5-EF Reserved
F0 Vendor Reserved 1 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F1 Vendor Reserved 2 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F2 Vendor Reserved 3 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F3 Vendor Reserved 4 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F4 Vendor Reserved 5 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F5 Vendor Reserved 6 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F6 Vendor Reserved 7 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F7 Vendor Reserved 8 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F8 Vendor Reserved 9 [12] CA/CP 21.1
F9 Vendor Reserved 10 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FA Vendor Reserved 11 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FB Vendor Reserved 12 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FC Vendor Reserved 13 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FD Vendor Reserved 14 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FE Vendor Reserved 15 [12] CA/CP 21.1
FF Vendor Reserved 16 [12] CA/CP 21.1
100-1FF Reserved
200 Event [12] DV 21.3
201 Event: Sensor State [12] NAry 21.3
202 Event: Sensor Event [12] NAry 21.4
203-2FF Reserved
300 Property [12] DV 21.5
301 Property: Friendly Name [12] SV 21.5
302 Property: Persistent Unique ID [12] DV 21.5
303 Property: Sensor Status [12] DV 21.5
304 Property: Minimum Report Interval [12] SV 21.5
305 Property: Sensor Manufacturer [12] SV 21.5
306 Property: Sensor Model [12] SV 21.5
307 Property: Sensor Serial Number [12] SV 21.5
308 Property: Sensor Description [12] SV 21.5
309 Property: Sensor Connection Type [12] NAry 21.5.1
30A Property: Sensor Device Path [12] DV 21.5
30B Property: Hardware Revision [12] SV 21.5
30C Property: Firmware Version [12] SV 21.5
30D Property: Release Date [12] SV 21.5
30E Property: Report Interval [12] DV 21.5
30F Property: Change Sensitivity Absolute [12] DV 21.5
310 Property: Change Sensitivity Percent of Range [12] DV 21.5
311 Property: Change Sensitivity Percent Relative [12] DV 21.5
312 Property: Accuracy [12] DV 21.5
313 Property: Resolution [12] DV 21.5
314 Property: Maximum [12] DV 21.5
315 Property: Minimum [12] DV 21.5
316 Property: Reporting State [12] NAry 21.5.2
317 Property: Sampling Rate [12] DV 21.5
318 Property: Response Curve [12] DV 21.5
319 Property: Power State [12] NAry 21.5.3
31A Property: Maximum FIFO Events [27] SV 21.5.4
31B Property: Report Latency [27] DV 21.5.4
31C Property: Flush FIFO Events [30] DF 21.5.4
31D Property: Maximum Power Consumption [30] DV 21.5.4
31E Property: Is Primary [50] DF 21.5
31F-3FF Reserved
400 Data Field: Location [12] DV 21.1
401-401 Reserved
402 Data Field: Altitude Antenna Sea Level [12] SV 21.1
403 Data Field: Differential Reference Station ID [12] SV 21.1
404 Data Field: Altitude Ellipsoid Error [12] SV 21.1
405 Data Field: Altitude Ellipsoid [12] SV 21.1
406 Data Field: Altitude Sea Level Error [12] SV 21.1
407 Data Field: Altitude Sea Level [12] SV 21.1
408 Data Field: Differential GPS Data Age [12] SV 21.1
409 Data Field: Error Radius [12] SV 21.1
40A Data Field: Fix Quality [12] NAry 21.10.2
40B Data Field: Fix Type [12] NAry 21.10.3
40C Data Field: Geoidal Separation [12] SV 21.1
40D Data Field: GPS Operation Mode [12] NAry 21.10.4
40E Data Field: GPS Selection Mode [12] NAry 21.10.5
40F Data Field: GPS Status [12] NAry 21.10.6
410 Data Field: Position Dilution of Precision [12] SV 21.1
411 Data Field: Horizontal Dilution of Precision [12] SV 21.1
412 Data Field: Vertical Dilution of Precision [12] SV 21.1
413 Data Field: Latitude [12] SV 21.1
414 Data Field: Longitude [12] SV 21.1
415 Data Field: True Heading [12] SV 21.1
416 Data Field: Magnetic Heading [12] SV 21.1
417 Data Field: Magnetic Variation [12] SV 21.1
418 Data Field: Speed [12] SV 21.1
419 Data Field: Satellites in View [12] SV 21.1
41A Data Field: Satellites in View Azimuth [12] SV 21.1
41B Data Field: Satellites in View Elevation [12] SV 21.1
41C Data Field: Satellites in View IDs [12] SV 21.1
41D Data Field: Satellites in View PRNs [12] SV 21.1
41E Data Field: Satellites in View S/N Ratios [12] SV 21.1
41F Data Field: Satellites Used Count [12] SV 21.1
420 Data Field: Satellites Used PRNs [12] SV 21.1
421 Data Field: NMEA Sentence [12] SV 21.1
422 Data Field: Address Line 1 [12] SV 21.1
423 Data Field: Address Line 2 [12] SV 21.1
424 Data Field: City [12] SV 21.1
425 Data Field: State or Province [12] SV 21.1
426 Data Field: Country or Region [12] SV 21.1
427 Data Field: Postal Code [12] SV 21.1
428-429 Reserved
42A Property: Location [12] DV 21.1
42B Property: Location Desired Accuracy [12] NAry 21.10.1
42C-42F Reserved
430 Data Field: Environmental [12] SV 21.8
431 Data Field: Atmospheric Pressure [12] SV 21.8
432-432 Reserved
433 Data Field: Relative Humidity [12] SV 21.8
434 Data Field: Temperature [12] SV 21.8
435 Data Field: Wind Direction [12] SV 21.8
436 Data Field: Wind Speed [12] SV 21.8
437 Data Field: Air Quality Index [30] SV 21.8
438 Data Field: Equivalent CO2 [30] SV 21.8
439 Data Field: Volatile Organic Compound Concentration [30] SV 21.8
43A Data Field: Object Presence [50] SF 21.8
43B Data Field: Object Proximity Range [50] SV 21.8
43C Data Field: Object Proximity Out of Range [50] SF 21.8
43D-43F Reserved
440 Property: Environmental [12] SV 21.8
441 Property: Reference Pressure [12] SV 21.8
442-44F Reserved
450 Data Field: Motion [12] DV 21.12
451 Data Field: Motion State [12] SF 21.12
452 Data Field: Acceleration [12] SV 21.12
453 Data Field: Acceleration Axis X [12] SV 21.12
454 Data Field: Acceleration Axis Y [12] SV 21.12
455 Data Field: Acceleration Axis Z [12] SV 21.12
456 Data Field: Angular Velocity [12] SV 21.12
457 Data Field: Angular Velocity about X Axis [12] SV 21.12
458 Data Field: Angular Velocity about Y Axis [12] SV 21.12
459 Data Field: Angular Velocity about Z Axis [12] SV 21.12
45A Data Field: Angular Position [12] SV 21.12
45B Data Field: Angular Position about X Axis [12] SV 21.12
45C Data Field: Angular Position about Y Axis [12] SV 21.12
45D Data Field: Angular Position about Z Axis [12] SV 21.12
45E Data Field: Motion Speed [12] SV 21.12
45F Data Field: Motion Intensity [12] SV 21.12
460-46F Reserved
470 Data Field: Orientation [12] DV 21.13
471 Data Field: Heading [12] SV 21.13
472 Data Field: Heading X Axis [12] SV 21.13
473 Data Field: Heading Y Axis [12] SV 21.13
474 Data Field: Heading Z Axis [12] SV 21.13
475 Data Field: Heading Compensated Magnetic North [12] SV 21.13
476 Data Field: Heading Compensated True North [12] SV 21.13
477 Data Field: Heading Magnetic North [12] SV 21.13
478 Data Field: Heading True North [12] SV 21.13
479 Data Field: Distance [12] SV 21.13
47A Data Field: Distance X Axis [12] SV 21.13
47B Data Field: Distance Y Axis [12] SV 21.13
47C Data Field: Distance Z Axis [12] SV 21.13
47D Data Field: Distance Out-of-Range [12] SF 21.13
47E Data Field: Tilt [12] SV 21.13
47F Data Field: Tilt X Axis [12] SV 21.13
480 Data Field: Tilt Y Axis [12] SV 21.13
481 Data Field: Tilt Z Axis [12] SV 21.13
482 Data Field: Rotation Matrix [12] SV 21.13
483 Data Field: Quaternion [12] SV 21.13
484 Data Field: Magnetic Flux [12] SV 21.13
485 Data Field: Magnetic Flux X Axis [12] SV 21.13
486 Data Field: Magnetic Flux Y Axis [12] SV 21.13
487 Data Field: Magnetic Flux Z Axis [12] SV 21.13
488 Data Field: Magnetometer Accuracy [12] NAry 21.13.1
489 Data Field: Simple Orientation Direction [30] NAry 21.13.2
48A-48F Reserved
490 Data Field: Mechanical [12] DV 21.11
491 Data Field: Boolean Switch State [12] SF 21.11
492 Data Field: Boolean Switch Array States [12] SV 21.11
493 Data Field: Multivalue Switch Value [12] SV 21.11
494 Data Field: Force [12] SV 21.11
495 Data Field: Absolute Pressure [12] SV 21.11
496 Data Field: Gauge Pressure [12] SV 21.11
497 Data Field: Strain [12] SV 21.11
498 Data Field: Weight [12] SV 21.11
499-49F Reserved
4A0 Property: Mechanical [12] DV 21.11
4A1 Property: Vibration State [12] DF 21.11
4A2 Property: Forward Vibration Speed [12] DV 21.11
4A3 Property: Backward Vibration Speed [12] DV 21.11
4A4-4AF Reserved
4B0 Data Field: Biometric [12] DV 21.6
4B1 Data Field: Human Presence [12] SF 21.6
4B2 Data Field: Human Proximity Range [12] SV 21.6
4B3 Data Field: Human Proximity Out of Range [12] SF 21.6
4B4 Data Field: Human Touch State [12] SF 21.6
4B5 Data Field: Blood Pressure [12] SV 21.6
4B6 Data Field: Blood Pressure Diastolic [30] SV 21.6
4B7 Data Field: Blood Pressure Systolic [30] SV 21.6
4B8 Data Field: Heart Rate [30] SV 21.6
4B9 Data Field: Resting Heart Rate [30] SV 21.6
4BA Data Field: Heartbeat Interval [30] SV 21.6
4BB Data Field: Respiratory Rate [30] SV 21.6
4BC Data Field: SpO2 [30] SV 21.6
4BD-4CF Reserved
4D0 Data Field: Light [12] DV 21.9
4D1 Data Field: Illuminance [12] SV 21.9
4D2 Data Field: Color Temperature [12] SV 21.9
4D3 Data Field: Chromaticity [12] SV 21.9
4D4 Data Field: Chromaticity X [12] SV 21.9
4D5 Data Field: Chromaticity Y [12] SV 21.9
4D6 Data Field: Consumer IR Sentence Receive [12] SV 21.9
4D7 Data Field: Infrared Light [30] SV 21.9
4D8 Data Field: Red Light [30] SV 21.9
4D9 Data Field: Green Light [30] SV 21.9
4DA Data Field: Blue Light [30] SV 21.9
4DB Data Field: Ultraviolet A Light [30] SV 21.9
4DC Data Field: Ultraviolet B Light [30] SV 21.9
4DD Data Field: Ultraviolet Index [30] SV 21.9
4DE Data Field: Near Infrared Light [50] SV 21.9
4DF Property: Light [12] DV 21.9
4.00E+00 Property: Consumer IR Sentence Send [12] DV 21.9
4E1-4E1 Reserved
4.00E+02 Property: Auto Brightness Preferred [50] DF 21.9
4.00E+03 Property: Auto Color Preferred [50] DF 21.9
4E4-4EF Reserved
4F0 Data Field: Scanner [12] DV 21.14
4F1 Data Field: RFID Tag 40 Bit [12] SV 21.14
4F2 Data Field: NFC Sentence Receive [12] SV 21.14
4F3-4F7 Reserved
4F8 Property: Scanner [12] DV 21.14
4F9 Property: NFC Sentence Send [12] SV 21.14
4FA-4FF Reserved
500 Data Field: Electrical [12] SV 21.7
501 Data Field: Capacitance [12] SV 21.7
502 Data Field: Current [12] SV 21.7
503 Data Field: Electrical Power [12] SV 21.7
504 Data Field: Inductance [12] SV 21.7
505 Data Field: Resistance [12] SV 21.7
506 Data Field: Voltage [12] SV 21.7
507 Data Field: Frequency [12] SV 21.7
508 Data Field: Period [12] SV 21.7
509 Data Field: Percent of Range [12] SV 21.7
50A-51F Reserved
520 Data Field: Time [12] DV 21.15
521 Data Field: Year [12] SV 21.15
522 Data Field: Month [12] SV 21.15
523 Data Field: Day [12] SV 21.15
524 Data Field: Day of Week [12] NAry 21.15.1
525 Data Field: Hour [12] SV 21.15
526 Data Field: Minute [12] SV 21.15
527 Data Field: Second [12] SV 21.15
528 Data Field: Millisecond [12] SV 21.15
529 Data Field: Timestamp [12] SV 21.15
52A Data Field: Julian Day of Year [12] SV 21.15
52B Data Field: Time Since System Boot [30] SV 21.15
52C-52F Reserved
530 Property: Time [12] DV 21.15
531 Property: Time Zone Offset from UTC [12] DV 21.15
532 Property: Time Zone Name [12] DV 21.15
533 Property: Daylight Savings Time Observed [12] DF 21.15
534 Property: Time Trim Adjustment [12] DV 21.15
535 Property: Arm Alarm [12] DF 21.15
536-53F Reserved
540 Data Field: Custom [12] DV 21.16
541 Data Field: Custom Usage [12] SV 21.16
542 Data Field: Custom Boolean Array [12] SV 21.16
543 Data Field: Custom Value [12] SV 21.16
544 Data Field: Custom Value 1 [12] SV 21.16
545 Data Field: Custom Value 2 [12] SV 21.16
546 Data Field: Custom Value 3 [12] SV 21.16
547 Data Field: Custom Value 4 [12] SV 21.16
548 Data Field: Custom Value 5 [12] SV 21.16
549 Data Field: Custom Value 6 [12] SV 21.16
54A Data Field: Custom Value 7 [30] SV 21.16
54B Data Field: Custom Value 8 [30] SV 21.16
54C Data Field: Custom Value 9 [30] SV 21.16
54D Data Field: Custom Value 10 [30] SV 21.16
54E Data Field: Custom Value 11 [30] SV 21.16
54F Data Field: Custom Value 12 [30] SV 21.16
550 Data Field: Custom Value 13 [30] SV 21.16
551 Data Field: Custom Value 14 [30] SV 21.16
552 Data Field: Custom Value 15 [30] SV 21.16
553 Data Field: Custom Value 16 [30] SV 21.16
554 Data Field: Custom Value 17 [30] SV 21.16
555 Data Field: Custom Value 18 [30] SV 21.16
556 Data Field: Custom Value 19 [30] SV 21.16
557 Data Field: Custom Value 20 [30] SV 21.16
558 Data Field: Custom Value 21 [30] SV 21.16
559 Data Field: Custom Value 22 [30] SV 21.16
55A Data Field: Custom Value 23 [30] SV 21.16
55B Data Field: Custom Value 24 [30] SV 21.16
55C Data Field: Custom Value 25 [30] SV 21.16
55D Data Field: Custom Value 26 [30] SV 21.16
55E Data Field: Custom Value 27 [30] SV 21.16
55F Data Field: Custom Value 28 [30] SV 21.16
560 Data Field: Generic [12] DV 21.18
561 Data Field: Generic GUID or PROPERTYKEY [12] SV 21.18
562 Data Field: Generic Category GUID [12] SV 21.18
563 Data Field: Generic Type GUID [12] SV 21.18
564 Data Field: Generic Event PROPERTYKEY [12] SV 21.18
565 Data Field: Generic Property PROPERTYKEY [12] SV 21.18
566 Data Field: Generic Data Field PROPERTYKEY [12] SV 21.18
567 Data Field: Generic Event [12] SV 21.18
568 Data Field: Generic Property [12] SV 21.18
569 Data Field: Generic Data Field [12] SV 21.18
56A Data Field: Enumerator Table Row Index [12] SV 21.18
56B Data Field: Enumerator Table Row Count [12] SV 21.18
56C Data Field: Generic GUID or PROPERTYKEY kind [12] NAry 21.18.1
56D Data Field: Generic GUID [12] SV 21.18
56E Data Field: Generic PROPERTYKEY [12] SV 21.18
56F Data Field: Generic Top Level Collection ID [12] SV 21.18
570 Data Field: Generic Report ID [12] SV 21.18
571 Data Field: Generic Report Item Position Index [12] SV 21.18
572 Data Field: Generic Firmware VARTYPE [12] NAry 21.18.2
573 Data Field: Generic Unit of Measure [12] NAry 21.18.3
574 Data Field: Generic Unit Exponent [12] NAry 21.18.4
575 Data Field: Generic Report Size [12] SV 21.18
576 Data Field: Generic Report Count [12] SV 21.18
577-57F Reserved
580 Property: Generic [12] DV 21.18
581 Property: Enumerator Table Row Index [12] DV 21.18
582 Property: Enumerator Table Row Count [12] SV 21.18
583-58F Reserved
590 Data Field: Personal Activity [30] DV 21.19
591 Data Field: Activity Type [30] NAry 21.19.1
592 Data Field: Activity State [30] NAry 21.19.2
593 Data Field: Device Position [30] NAry 21.19.3
594 Data Field: Step Count [30] SV 21.19
595 Data Field: Step Count Reset [30] DF 21.19
596 Data Field: Step Duration [30] SV 21.19
597 Data Field: Step Type [30] NAry 21.19.4
598-59F Reserved
5A0 Property: Minimum Activity Detection Interval [30] DV 21.19
5A1 Property: Supported Activity Types [30] NAry 21.19
5A2 Property: Subscribed Activity Types [30] NAry 21.19
5A3 Property: Supported Step Types [30] NAry 21.19
5A4 Property: Subscribed Step Types [30] NAry 21.19
5A5 Property: Floor Height [30] DV 21.19
5A6-5AF Reserved
5B0 Data Field: Custom Type ID [30] SV 21.16
5B1-5BF Reserved
5C0 Property: Custom [50] DV 21.17
5C1 Property: Custom Value 1 [50] DV 21.17
5C2 Property: Custom Value 2 [50] DV 21.17
5C3 Property: Custom Value 3 [50] DV 21.17
5C4 Property: Custom Value 4 [50] DV 21.17
5C5 Property: Custom Value 5 [50] DV 21.17
5C6 Property: Custom Value 6 [50] DV 21.17
5C7 Property: Custom Value 7 [50] DV 21.17
5C8 Property: Custom Value 8 [50] DV 21.17
5C9 Property: Custom Value 9 [50] DV 21.17
5CA Property: Custom Value 10 [50] DV 21.17
5CB Property: Custom Value 11 [50] DV 21.17
5CC Property: Custom Value 12 [50] DV 21.17
5CD Property: Custom Value 13 [50] DV 21.17
5CE Property: Custom Value 14 [50] DV 21.17
5CF Property: Custom Value 15 [50] DV 21.17
5D0 Property: Custom Value 16 [50] DV 21.17
5D1-5DF Reserved
5.00E+00 Data Field: Hinge [59] SV/DV 21.20.1
5.00E+01 Data Field: Hinge Angle [59] SV/DV 21.20.1
5E2-5EF Reserved
5F0 Data Field: Gesture Sensor [60] DV
5F1 Data Field: Gesture State [60] NAry
5F2 Data Field: Hinge Fold Initial Angle [60] SV
5F3 Data Field: Hinge Fold Final Angle [60] SV
5F4 Data Field: Hinge Fold Contributing Panel [60] NAry
5F5 Data Field: Hinge Fold Type [60] NAry
5F6-7FF Reserved
800 Sensor State: Undefined [12] Sel 21.3
801 Sensor State: Ready [12] Sel 21.3
802 Sensor State: Not Available [12] Sel 21.3
803 Sensor State: No Data [12] Sel 21.3
804 Sensor State: Initializing [12] Sel 21.3
805 Sensor State: Access Denied [12] Sel 21.3
806 Sensor State: Error [12] Sel 21.3
807-80F Reserved
810 Sensor Event: Unknown [12] Sel 21.4
811 Sensor Event: State Changed [12] Sel 21.4
812 Sensor Event: Property Changed [12] Sel 21.4
813 Sensor Event: Data Updated [12] Sel 21.4
814 Sensor Event: Poll Response [12] Sel 21.4
815 Sensor Event: Change Sensitivity [12] Sel 21.4
816 Sensor Event: Range Maximum Reached [12] Sel 21.4
817 Sensor Event: Range Minimum Reached [12] Sel 21.4
818 Sensor Event: High Threshold Cross Upward [12] Sel 21.4
819 Sensor Event: High Threshold Cross Downward [12] Sel 21.4
81A Sensor Event: Low Threshold Cross Upward [12] Sel 21.4
81B Sensor Event: Low Threshold Cross Downward [12] Sel 21.4
81C Sensor Event: Zero Threshold Cross Upward [12] Sel 21.4
81D Sensor Event: Zero Threshold Cross Downward [12] Sel 21.4
81E Sensor Event: Period Exceeded [12] Sel 21.4
81F Sensor Event: Frequency Exceeded [12] Sel 21.4
820 Sensor Event: Complex Trigger [12] Sel 21.4
821-82F Reserved
830 Connection Type: PC Integrated [12] Sel 21.5.1
831 Connection Type: PC Attached [12] Sel 21.5.1
832 Connection Type: PC External [12] Sel 21.5.1
833-83F Reserved
840 Reporting State: Report No Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
841 Reporting State: Report All Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
842 Reporting State: Report Threshold Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
843 Reporting State: Wake On No Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
844 Reporting State: Wake On All Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
845 Reporting State: Wake On Threshold Events [12] Sel 21.5.2
846-84F Reserved
850 Power State: Undefined [12] Sel 21.5.3
851 Power State: D0 Full Power [12] Sel 21.5.3
852 Power State: D1 Low Power [12] Sel 21.5.3
853 Power State: D2 Standby Power with Wakeup [12] Sel 21.5.3
854 Power State: D3 Sleep with Wakeup [12] Sel 21.5.3
855 Power State: D4 Power Off [12] Sel 21.5.3
856-86F Reserved
870 Fix Quality: No Fix [12] Sel 21.10.2
871 Fix Quality: GPS [12] Sel 21.10.2
872 Fix Quality: DGPS [12] Sel 21.10.2
873-87F Reserved
880 Fix Type: No Fix [12] Sel 21.10.3
881 Fix Type: GPS SPS Mode, Fix Valid [12] Sel 21.10.3
882 Fix Type: DGPS SPS Mode, Fix Valid [12] Sel 21.10.3
883 Fix Type: GPS PPS Mode, Fix Valid [12] Sel 21.10.3
884 Fix Type: Real Time Kinematic [12] Sel 21.10.3
885 Fix Type: Float RTK [12] Sel 21.10.3
886 Fix Type: Estimated (dead reckoned) [12] Sel 21.10.3
887 Fix Type: Manual Input Mode [12] Sel 21.10.3
888 Fix Type: Simulator Mode [12] Sel 21.10.3
889-88F Reserved
890 GPS Operation Mode: Manual [12] Sel 21.10.4
891 GPS Operation Mode: Automatic [12] Sel 21.10.4
892-89F Reserved
8A0 GPS Selection Mode: Autonomous [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A1 GPS Selection Mode: DGPS [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A2 GPS Selection Mode: Estimated (dead reckoned) [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A3 GPS Selection Mode: Manual Input [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A4 GPS Selection Mode: Simulator [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A5 GPS Selection Mode: Data Not Valid [12] Sel 21.10.5
8A6-8AF Reserved
8B0 GPS Status Data: Valid [12] Sel 21.10.6
8B1 GPS Status Data: Not Valid [12] Sel 21.10.6
8B2-85F Reserved
860 Accuracy: Default [12] Sel 21.10.1
861 Accuracy: High [12] Sel 21.10.1
862 Accuracy: Medium [12] Sel 21.10.1
863 Accuracy: Low [12] Sel 21.10.1
864-8BF Reserved
8C0 Day of Week: Sunday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C1 Day of Week: Monday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C2 Day of Week: Tuesday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C3 Day of Week: Wednesday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C4 Day of Week: Thursday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C5 Day of Week: Friday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C6 Day of Week: Saturday [12] Sel 21.15.1
8C7-8CF Reserved
8D0 Kind: Category [12] Sel 21.18.1
8D1 Kind: Type [12] Sel 21.18.1
8D2 Kind: Event [12] Sel 21.18.1
8D3 Kind: Property [12] Sel 21.18.1
8D4 Kind: Data Field [12] Sel 21.18.1
8D5-8DF Reserved
8.00E+00 Magnetometer Accuracy: Low [12] Sel 21.13.1
8.00E+01 Magnetometer Accuracy: Medium [12] Sel 21.13.1
8.00E+02 Magnetometer Accuracy: High [12] Sel 21.13.1
8E3-8EF Reserved
8F0 Simple Orientation Direction: Not Rotated [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F1 Simple Orientation Direction: Rotated 90 Degrees CCW [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F2 Simple Orientation Direction: Rotated 180 Degrees CCW [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F3 Simple Orientation Direction: Rotated 270 Degrees CCW [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F4 Simple Orientation Direction: Face Up [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F5 Simple Orientation Direction: Face Down [30] Sel 21.13.2
8F6-8FF Reserved
900 VT_NULL [12] Sel 21.18.2
901 VT_BOOL [12] Sel 21.18.2
902 VT_UI1 [12] Sel 21.18.2
903 VT_I1 [12] Sel 21.18.2
904 VT_UI2 [12] Sel 21.18.2
905 VT_I2 [12] Sel 21.18.2
906 VT_UI4 [12] Sel 21.18.2
907 VT_I4 [12] Sel 21.18.2
908 VT_UI8 [12] Sel 21.18.2
909 VT_I8 [12] Sel 21.18.2
90A VT_R4 [12] Sel 21.18.2
90B VT_R8 [12] Sel 21.18.2
90C VT_WSTR [12] Sel 21.18.2
90D VT_STR [12] Sel 21.18.2
90E VT_CLSID [12] Sel 21.18.2
90F VT_VECTOR VT_UI1 [12] Sel 21.18.2
910 VT_F16E0 [12] Sel 21.18.2
911 VT_F16E1 [12] Sel 21.18.2
912 VT_F16E2 [12] Sel 21.18.2
913 VT_F16E3 [12] Sel 21.18.2
914 VT_F16E4 [12] Sel 21.18.2
915 VT_F16E5 [12] Sel 21.18.2
916 VT_F16E6 [12] Sel 21.18.2
917 VT_F16E7 [12] Sel 21.18.2
918 VT_F16E8 [12] Sel 21.18.2
919 VT_F16E9 [12] Sel 21.18.2
91A VT_F16EA [12] Sel 21.18.2
91B VT_F16EB [12] Sel 21.18.2
91C VT_F16EC [12] Sel 21.18.2
91D VT_F16ED [12] Sel 21.18.2
91E VT_F16EE [12] Sel 21.18.2
91F VT_F16EF [12] Sel 21.18.2
920 VT_F32E0 [12] Sel 21.18.2
921 VT_F32E1 [12] Sel 21.18.2
922 VT_F32E2 [12] Sel 21.18.2
923 VT_F32E3 [12] Sel 21.18.2
924 VT_F32E4 [12] Sel 21.18.2
925 VT_F32E5 [12] Sel 21.18.2
926 VT_F32E6 [12] Sel 21.18.2
927 VT_F32E7 [12] Sel 21.18.2
928 VT_F32E8 [12] Sel 21.18.2
929 VT_F32E9 [12] Sel 21.18.2
92A VT_F32EA [12] Sel 21.18.2
92B VT_F32EB [12] Sel 21.18.2
92C VT_F32EC [12] Sel 21.18.2
92D VT_F32ED [12] Sel 21.18.2
92E VT_F32EE [12] Sel 21.18.2
92F VT_F32EF [12] Sel 21.18.2
930 Activity Type: Unknown [30] Sel 21.19.1
931 Activity Type: Stationary [30] Sel 21.19.1
932 Activity Type: Fidgeting [30] Sel 21.19.1
933 Activity Type: Walking [30] Sel 21.19.1
934 Activity Type: Running [30] Sel 21.19.1
935 Activity Type: In Vehicle [30] Sel 21.19.1
936 Activity Type: Biking [30] Sel 21.19.1
937 Activity Type: Idle [30] Sel 21.19.1
938-93F Reserved
940 Unit: Not Specified [12] Sel 21.18.3
941 Unit: Lux [12] Sel 21.18.3
942 Unit: Degrees Kelvin [12] Sel 21.18.3
943 Unit: Degrees Celsius [12] Sel 21.18.3
944 Unit: Pascal [12] Sel 21.18.3
945 Unit: Newton [12] Sel 21.18.3
946 Unit: Meters/Second [12] Sel 21.18.3
947 Unit: Kilogram [12] Sel 21.18.3
948 Unit: Meter [12] Sel 21.18.3
949 Unit: Meters/Second/Second [12] Sel 21.18.3
94A Unit: Farad [12] Sel 21.18.3
94B Unit: Ampere [12] Sel 21.18.3
94C Unit: Watt [12] Sel 21.18.3
94D Unit: Henry [12] Sel 21.18.3
94E Unit: Ohm [12] Sel 21.18.3
94F Unit: Volt [12] Sel 21.18.3
950 Unit: Hertz [12] Sel 21.18.3
951 Unit: Bar [12] Sel 21.18.3
952 Unit: Degrees Anti-clockwise [12] Sel 21.18.3
953 Unit: Degrees Clockwise [12] Sel 21.18.3
954 Unit: Degrees [12] Sel 21.18.3
955 Unit: Degrees/Second [12] Sel 21.18.3
956 Unit: Degrees/Second/Second [12] Sel 21.18.3
957 Unit: Knot [12] Sel 21.18.3
958 Unit: Percent [12] Sel 21.18.3
959 Unit: Second [12] Sel 21.18.3
95A Unit: Millisecond [12] Sel 21.18.3
95B Unit: G [12] Sel 21.18.3
95C Unit: Bytes [12] Sel 21.18.3
95D Unit: Milligauss [12] Sel 21.18.3
95E Unit: Bits [12] Sel 21.18.3
95F-95F Reserved
960 Activity State: No State Change [30] Sel 21.19.2
961 Activity State: Start Activity [30] Sel 21.19.2
962 Activity State: End Activity [30] Sel 21.19.2
963-96F Reserved
970 Exponent 0 [12] Sel 21.18.4
971 Exponent 1 [12] Sel 21.18.4
972 Exponent 2 [12] Sel 21.18.4
973 Exponent 3 [12] Sel 21.18.4
974 Exponent 4 [12] Sel 21.18.4
975 Exponent 5 [12] Sel 21.18.4
976 Exponent 6 [12] Sel 21.18.4
977 Exponent 7 [12] Sel 21.18.4
978 Exponent 8 [12] Sel 21.18.4
979 Exponent 9 [12] Sel 21.18.4
97A Exponent A [12] Sel 21.18.4
97B Exponent B [12] Sel 21.18.4
97C Exponent C [12] Sel 21.18.4
97D Exponent D [12] Sel 21.18.4
97E Exponent E [12] Sel 21.18.4
97F Exponent F [12] Sel 21.18.4
980 Device Position: Unknown [30] Sel 21.19.3
981 Device Position: Unchanged [30] Sel 21.19.3
982 Device Position: On Desk [30] Sel 21.19.3
983 Device Position: In Hand [30] Sel 21.19.3
984 Device Position: Moving in Bag [30] Sel 21.19.3
985 Device Position: Stationary in Bag [30] Sel 21.19.3
986-98F Reserved
990 Step Type: Unknown [30] Sel 21.19.4
991 Step Type: Running [30] Sel 21.19.4
992 Step Type: Walking [30] Sel 21.19.4
993-99F Reserved
9A0 Gesture State: Unknown [60] Sel
9A1 Gesture State: Started [60] Sel
9A2 Gesture State: Completed [60] Sel
9A3 Gesture State: Cancelled [60] Sel
9A4-9AF Reserved
9B0 Hinge Fold Contributing Panel: Unknown [60] Sel
9B1 Hinge Fold Contributing Panel: Panel 1 [60] Sel
9B2 Hinge Fold Contributing Panel: Panel 2 [60] Sel
9B3 Hinge Fold Contributing Panel: Both [60] Sel
9B4 Hinge Fold Type: Unknown [60] Sel
9B5 Hinge Fold Type: Increasing [60] Sel
9B6 Hinge Fold Type: Decreasing [60] Sel
9B7-FFF Reserved
1000 Modifier: Change Sensitivity Absolute [12] US 21.2
1001-10FF Reserved
1100-17FF Reserved for use as Change Sensitivity Absolute modifier range
1800-1FFF Reserved
2000 Modifier: Maximum [12] US 21.2
2001-20FF Reserved
2100-27FF Reserved for use as Maximum modifier range
2800-2FFF Reserved
3000 Modifier: Minimum [12] US 21.2
3001-30FF Reserved
3100-37FF Reserved for use as Minimum modifier range
3800-3FFF Reserved
4000 Modifier: Accuracy [12] US 21.2
4001-40FF Reserved
4100-47FF Reserved for use as Accuracy modifier range
4800-4FFF Reserved
5000 Modifier: Resolution [12] US 21.2
5001-50FF Reserved
5100-57FF Reserved for use as Resolution modifier range
5800-5FFF Reserved
6000 Modifier: Threshold High [12] US 21.2
6001-60FF Reserved
6100-67FF Reserved for use as Threshold High modifier range
6800-6FFF Reserved
7000 Modifier: Threshold Low [12] US 21.2
7001-70FF Reserved
7100-77FF Reserved for use as Threshold Low modifier range
7800-7FFF Reserved
8000 Modifier: Calibration Offset [12] US 21.2
8001-80FF Reserved
8100-87FF Reserved for use as Calibration Offset modifier range
8800-8FFF Reserved
9000 Modifier: Calibration Multiplier [12] US 21.2
9001-90FF Reserved
9100-97FF Reserved for use as Calibration Multiplier modifier range
9800-9FFF Reserved
A000 Modifier: Report Interval [12] US 21.2
A001-A0FF Reserved
A100-A7FF Reserved for use as Report Interval modifier range
A800-AFFF Reserved
B000 Modifier: Frequency Max [12] US 21.2
B001-B0FF Reserved
B100-B7FF Reserved for use as Frequency Max modifier range
B800-BFFF Reserved
C000 Modifier: Period Max [12] US 21.2
C001-C0FF Reserved
C100-C7FF Reserved for use as Period Max modifier range
C800-CFFF Reserved
D000 Modifier: Change Sensitivity Percent of Range [12] US 21.2
D001-D0FF Reserved
D100-D7FF Reserved for use as Change Sensitivity Percent modifier range
D800-DFFF Reserved
E000 Modifier: Change Sensitivity Percent Relative [12] US 21.2
E001-E0FF Reserved
E100-E7FF Reserved for use as Change Sensitivity Percent modifier range
E800-EFFF Reserved
F000 Modifier: Vendor Reserved [12] US 21.2
F001-F0FF Reserved
F100-F7FF Reserved for use as Vendor Reserved modifier range
F800-FFFF Reserved
HID人机交互QQ群:564808376    UAC音频QQ群:218581009    UVC相机QQ群:331552032    BOT&UASP大容量存储QQ群:258159197    STC-USB单片机QQ群:315457461    USB技术交流QQ群2:580684376    USB技术交流QQ群:952873936   

0 篇笔记 写笔记

HID规范、HID Usage Tables版本及文档分类
HID是Human Interface Devices的缩写,传统意义我们使用HID设备一般特指USB HID键盘和USB HID鼠标,但实际上USB HID规范不仅包括USB HID键盘和USB HID鼠标,也包括很多其它的标准USB HID设备如游戏手柄、HID触摸屏等,也包括一些自定义的USB......
Usage是HID报告描述符的一部分,用于应用开发人员提供有关控制测量内容的信息。Usage标签指示了设备供应商对其设备的控制或者设备控制组的特定用途建议。例如虽然报告描述符中定义了数据格式(例如,三个 8 位字段),但使用Usages定义了应对数据执行的操作含义,例如 x、y 和 z 输入。 此功......
Teams 标准HID Usage Tables
设备的电话功能必须基于USB HID使用表的USB HID电话设备页面。下表显示了客户端支持的USB HID使用命令的子集。Device Page (0x08) UsagesMicrosoft Team和Skype for Business支持的电话设备页面(0x0B)Usages.Usa......
HID报告描述符的LOCAL ITEM相当于报告描述符的局部变量,只能当前属性有效,超过作用域不再有意义。LOCAL ITEM包括的内容有:#define ITEM_TAG_LOCAL_USAGE 0x0#define ITEM_TAG_LOCAL_USAGE_MI......
HID的MAIN ITEM的INPUT ITEM,OUTPUT ITEM,FEATERU ITEM Bit定义如下:0:代表是数组1:代表变量我们在 HID主条目input item、output item和feature item详解http://www.usbzh.com/article......
下表列出了当前定义的USAGE PAGE分类ID.USAGE PAGE IDPage Name00Undefined 01Generic Desktop Controls 02Simulation Controls 03VR Controls 04......
Digitizers Page (0x0D)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1DigitizerCA16.12PenCA16.13Light PenCA16.14Touch ScreenCA16.15......
Haptics Page (0x0E)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Simple Haptic ControllerCA/CL17.102-0FReserved10Waveform ListNAry17.1......
Eye and Head Trackers Page(0x12)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Eye TrackerCA19.12Head TrackerCA19.103-0FReserved10Tracking DataCP......
Auxiliary Display Page (0x14)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Alphanumeric DisplayCA20.12Auxiliary Display [2]CA20.203-1FReserved2......
Sensors Page (0x20)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Sensor [12]CA/CP21.102-0FReserved10Biometric [12]CA/CP21.111Biometr......
Medical Instrument Page (0x40)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Medical UltrasoundCA22.102-1FReserved20VCR/AcquisitionOOC22.221Free......
Braille Display Page (0x41)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1Braille DisplayCA23.12Braille RowNAry23.238 Dot Braille CellDV23.24......
Lighting And Illumination Page (0x59)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined1LampArrayCA24.12LampArrayAttributesReportCL24.23LampCountSV/DV24.24......
Camera Control Page (0x90)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypesSection0Undefined01-1FReserved20Camera Auto-focus [21]OSC25.121Camera Shutter [21]OSC25.1......

